Stop losing my bags!

The last time I went to Denver for a work seminar, the airport lost our bags.

I did not have any fresh underwear, socks, shirts, and I did not have any suits or ties.

I had to wear the same clothes more than one morning in a row, but the airport staff told me not to worry. They promised they would find our bags. Sadly, after 3 mornings, the airport staff still failed to find our luggage. They issued me a voucher for $350 to replace thousands of dollars worth of fancy suits. I was easily frustrated about the troubles I had and the Denver Airport and I told our boss that I never wanted to return to that area. That was a couple of years ago, and our boss made me go back to Denver again last month. It was seriously freezing outside and I tried to get someone else to go to the seminar in our place. I packed an added bin with hats, gloves, scarves, and overcoats. I wanted to be prepared for the cold, Denver weather. It would be hard to believe that the Denver Airport lost our bags again, but that is exactly what went on. The airport officials tried to blame the situation on the airport in our town, even though I fly in and out of that place many times each month and I have never had our bags misplaced more than one bizarre times. I was so aggravated and miserable and I called every phone number listed at the airport until I reached someone to handle the issue. Happily, they found our bags this time. They were standing at a bizarre terminal and arrived earlier than our connecting flight.

central air repair Denver Colorado