My family & I own a nationally known commercial & residential heating & AC maintenance & upgrade supplier in the Chicago metropolitan area, then the two of us have many offices located throughout the city & the surrounding areas! Not that many of years ago 1 of our best suppliers started working out of an office in Orland park, Illinois.
The Orland Park office has been open since then & now there are many HVAC suppliers working out of that office.
The building where the Orland Park office is located needs a lot of work. The two of us had to substitute the roof the year after the office was purchased & now every one of us have to close the office down for remodeling… All of the flooring needs to be substituted due to a flood, it rained for 6 days in a row & everything in the section was flooded. I’ve never seen so much rain in this section at 1 time. I’ve never had any flooding in any of the past years, but this time the Orland Park office had multiple inches of rainwater. I contacted a couple of locales locally so every one of us could get the labor done & I was hoping they would be able to handle the construction while every one of us were still open for business! Unfortunately, the Orland Park office has to close for a week while they handle all of the repairs. All of the commercial & residential heating & AC maintenance & upgrade workers are going to need to report to the next closest office which is in Northern Chicago. It’s a longer drive, but it’s only going to be for a week.