How could I possibly make it to Vegas?

At first I was pretty mad at Mark for having his wedding in Las Vegas.

It sounded like an amazing time, of course, but I was bitterly jealous that I couldn’t go.

Mark wanted me to be his best man, but then chose to hold the wedding in a place I couldn’t afford to go. I barely make ends meet as it is in this garbage economy, so how could I come up with an extra thousand bucks for airfare, lodging, and food? I told Mark this, and he calmly said that he would find a way to get me to Las Vegas, Nevada, no matter what it took. Mark scored me a free flight on Las Vegas Air, using his frequent flier miles, and his friend let me sleep on the floor of his hotel room for free. With most of my expenses covered, all I had to do was figure out how to pay for food, booze, and cannabis while I was in Vegas. There was no way I was going all the way to Las Vegas and not visit one of their famous cannabis dispensaries. I decided that I would just scrounge for food, and eat free samples from the casinos, so I could spend my meager budget on Las Vegas cannabis. The wedding itself was nice, but the weekend in Las Vegas was a mixed bag. It felt as if the town could sense that I had no money, so it didn’t like me. Las Vegas is an amazing place, but it’s not as much fun when you’re broke.

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