‘When you are in Seattle for a long enough period of time, you start to forget that cannabis laws still exist.
Weed usage is so accepted around here it has become completely normalized.
It is much more shocking to see someone smoking a cigarette in the street than to see them puffing on marijuana. As liberal and permissive as this city is when it comes to weed, there are still laws and rules that must be followed! Just like with alcohol, it’s legal to smoke cannabis, but you have to follow some guidelines. Believe it or not, you cannot have cannabis products delivered to you in Seattle, or anywhere else in Washington state. There are over a hundred different cannabis dispensaries in the Seattle area, so hopefully you won’t have to drive very far to find one. But unlike many other states, cannabis delivery is still against the law. Secondly, and this is the most important rule, you cannot smoke cannabis in public anywhere in Seattle. Not inside the restaurant, or while standing outside it on the side – smoking cannabis in Seattle is 100% legal unless you are subjecting other people to secondhand smoke. In Seattle cannabis is treated the same as cigarettes, meaning that you can do it in private but you can’t harm other people with your smoke. I feel this is a very fair law, otherwise we would have cannabis tourists lighting up all over Seattle, even around children or old folks. Last but not least, shop around at a few different Seattle dispensaries to see what kind of new and exciting strains they have.
Medical Cannabis Store Seattle WA