One of the busiest days of the week for me is Friday, because the business and service center is not open on Fridays; There are usually a lot of calls to answer on Friday morning when the people I was with and I get to work, i arrived shortly after my boss and he told me that there were a couple of Heating, Ventilation and A/C repairs in phoenix, however he offered me the service addresses and told me to call and confirm the appointments before I left the workshop.
- I disappeared into the break room to drink my root coors and make cellphone calls.
I contacted all three of the clients and they verified their Phoenix address and the time when they were busy for an appointment, and my 10:00 a.m. appointment was with a commercial purchaser in Phoenix. The guy owns a eating establishment and the refrigeration component was not working correctly. The problem turned out to be an issue with the thermostat; Once I update the thermostat, the refrigeration component returns to normal. The next service call in Phoenix was a shopper with an AC related issue. The woman was vague on the cellphone, but several clients don’t believe how to describe the concerns that the AC is having! You don’t have to be a licensed worker to believe when there is something wrong with the weather conditions control program in your home. I drove right from the commercial purchaser to the residential service address but nobody was home. I knocked on the door many times and I never got an answer. I had to leave, because I could not sit there all morning.