I can actually deal with the heat

Phoenix is the capital of Arizona, however it is also a single of the largest cities in the state, but phoenix is known for its history plus culture, and there are many high-end resorts plus a number of professional hockey courses located in Phoenix, Arizona! My wifey plus I both appreciate playing hockey. I was never a professional, but my wifey played hockey in college plus she enjoyed an amateur spot for many years. The two of us travel all over the country checking out bizarre hockey courses. This was our first time in Phoenix plus I wanted to hit all of the courses. The people I was with and I were there for 5 days plus every one of us played 7 rounds of hockey. My favorite course was a single designed by Jack Nicklaus himself. I recognizably care about the 6th plus the 10th, because of their difficulty plus water hazard. I would have favorite to stay in Phoenix longer. There were still some places that my wifey plus I did not get to see. Unluckyly, the summer time heat was killing me. I knew it was going to be hot, but nothing prepared me for 110 degrees. It was more than 100° outside every single afternoon. Thank goodness for a light wind, otherwise my wifey plus I would never have been able to finish our rounds of hockey. I do not know how people manage to live there while I was in the whole summer. They must have some incredibly superb air conditionings… Our hotel did not have a truly superb air conditioning. I found myself constantly decreasing the temperature so it was cooler plus cooler inside of the room. It would have been a lot better if the air conditioning had worked correctly while I was in our stay.



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