I labor for a software supplier & every one of us were a single of the first people to start a work-from-condo program when the quarantine began; The boss offered all the people an choice 2 labor from home, then at first, I resisted the swings, however i love the drive to Albuquerque each afternoon.
I have a routine for the drive that includes stopping for a donut & getting Starbucks Coffee at the Dunkin Donuts.
The 30-minute drive to Albuquerque was a great time for myself and others to reflect & guess about life. I legitimately didn’t want to labor from condo until I realized that I would be able to use recreational marijuana while I was at work. I’m certainly embarrassed that the system didn’t come to me; One of my co-workers & I were sitting in the break room & she told myself and others that she was gleeful to start working from condo so she could spend the afternoon in her pajamas, smoking pot. I thought she was joking around, but she told myself and others that she was serious. The girl showed myself and others some edible marijuana products that she had from a dispensary in Albuquerque. I never thought about getting high at work, but I never had the choice to labor from condo either. I went to the marijuana dispensary in Albuquerque a couple of mornings later & I bought some products, when I started working from home, I decided to get high in the afternoon. I spent all afternoon with a smile on my face & no a single at labor was any wiser. All they could see was my computer screen & my labor was completed by the end of the afternoon.