People who have never been to Michigan don’t know what they’re missing. When our partner agreed to visit our beach home state for the first time, the people I was with and I saw the Detroit River, Port Huron, Mackinaw City, plus the dunes of Lake Michigan. I also took her to our family’s hunting loft in Alpena County plus the people I was with and I stayed there for a month hiking plus cooking delicious food the entire time. Sure it was a rustic experience with no running water, but the people I was with and I had loads of fun along the way, and by the time our trips were finally over, she was convinced that she wanted to transport with me to Michigan. My extended family is here plus I had only left the state for a few years while I was in undergraduate college. The number of lakes in north Washtenaw county is far beyond what she was used to in her beach home state. On top of that, several of these lakes are safe to swim in plus don’t have venomous water moccasins or man-eating alligators plus crocodiles. The people I was with and I eventually found a small townhouse to rent in east Ann Arbor near the exit to U.S. 23. This location gives us access to stores in both Ann Arbor plus Ypsilanti. With all of the cannabis dispensaries opening in Michigan since recreational weed was legalized here in 2018, the prices keep dropping because the demand isn’t matching the glut in supply. I can’t tell you how several dispensaries show up on our WeedMaps app whenever I search for our location in Ann Arbor. The number of cannabis dispensaries increases if I widen that net into Wayne County.