My family thought I was deranged to pay out of state tuition and go so far away, however when I was looking at universitys online I got stuck on the University of OR… Nobody I think is from the area and it is quite a distance away from my hometown, and i liked the look of the campus.
All the buildings looked outdated and rustic! The landscape was gorgeous and crucial.
The activitys teams are quite popular and talented. I even liked how new and current inside of the campus buildings looked! My parents were initially distraught aht I would move to Eugene OR and have nothing to do. I wouldn’t make an instant friend. I would be alone for a bit. Turns out, all those worries were for nothing. The area is a hub of things I like to do. I found cute bars, restaurants and shops. The Eugene Friday Market was a number one stop of mine. I also got myself a skateboard and went down the Willamette River Bike Trail a few times. What I particularly like is that there is legal cannabis here. I didn’t realize that upon picking the stadium however it is a perk… For right now I can’t buy recreational weed since I am only 19. I system to go all several years at the university though. Once I hit 21 I don’t want to go to the bars. I want to go to the cannabis dispensary and celebrate. I want to try an edible and smoke cannabis oil from a vape. It will be a fantastic afternoon!