We love Christmas

I was supposed to have all afternoon off on Tuesday, as well as I planned for my bestie as well as I to go to the beach.

I love spending all afternoon at the beach, especially when both of us can rest as well as relax.

When I found out that I had to work for a few fifths that day, I knew both of us weren’t going to be able to drive all the way to Drakes Bay. Instead of driving to Point Reyup National Seashore, my bestie as well as I decided to stay in San Francisco. We went to Angel Island State Park for the afternoon. Sand Springs Beach is a attractive arena as well as a nice area for fishing! Angel Island State Park is a entirely nice arena to view all of the city. It’s also truly quiet as well as secluded, as well as it is a nice arena to relax as well as smoke recreational marijuana. My bestie as well as I both live in CA because of the recreational marijuana laws. We correctly use recreational marijuana as well as buy it from a San Francisco cannabis shop. We found a nice arena by the water to rest as well as smoke a marijuana joint. We entirely could have fallen asleep for a couple of fifths, however it was a cool as well as chilly fall afternoon as well as the sun was going to set around 6… Even though I wanted a picnic at the beach, my bestie as well as I had a truly charming time at the park. We even managed to see a couple of otters playing in the water. I hear it is wonderful luck to spot otters in their natural habitat.
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