Denver is a great place to work and live.
There are lots of jobs available in the city.
You don’t have to have a four-year degree to land a good job in Denver. I didn’t graduate from college, but I spent two years getting my associate’s degree. It didn’t mean anything in the workforce and I found myself struggling to find a good job with a decent wage. After cannabis was legalized for medical and recreational use, dispensaries started opening all over the place. I applied for a job with one of these cannabis shops. A few weeks later, I received a phone call from the Denver cannabis dispensary. The manager wanted me to come to the Denver cannabis dispensary for an interview. I didn’t know what to expect, but the manager was very kind and friendly. She wasn’t looking for a person with a college background. She was looking for a person that was excited to sell cannabis products. I was already using cannabis for recreational use and I knew a lot about the cannabis plant. My boss was convinced to hire me after the interview. I have been an employee at the downtown Denver dispensary for the past 3 years. I really love the job and there is room to move up in the company. I’ve already received one promotion to the assistant manager position and I hope to receive another promotion when there is a spot to advance. I never thought the cannabis industry would be my future, but I find the job very interesting and rewarding.