During the summer months, Tampa Bay is one of the nicest places in Florida to visit.
Tampa Bay and Clearwater Beach have a ton of different activities for children and adults.
One of my favorite places in Tampa is the zoo. My family and I love to go to the zoo when it is cool outdoors. The animals are always more active when the weather is cool. Animals and humans are both lethargic when it is hot outside. We long to be inside where the air conditioner is running and so do they. We went to the zoo a few weeks ago on a Saturday. The weather was really nice with breezy temperatures and a bit of wind. I should have anticipated all of the traffic at the zoo, especially on a beautiful day. We had to park all the way at the end of the parking lot and the walk to the zoo was significant. It was cool and sunny outside, so I didn’t mind walking. We spent all day in Tampa and didn’t leave the park until 4:30. The sky was starting to get dark and cloudy. When it’s hurricane season, the temperatures can drop quickly and rain can happen in a flash. It was hot and humid outside and the rain was a welcome feature until I realized that the car had a flat tire. I had to change the flat tire in the rain while we were parked outside the Tampa area zoo. No one offered to lend a helping hand. I would have said no, but it would have been nice if someone would have at least offered to help.