Both of us rolled joints plus went to the Topanga State Park to hike for the day

Then every one of us rolled a bunch of joints plus packed a lunch so every one of us could hike throughout Topanga State Park for the day

I l earned how to roll a joint from my older brother. He was several years ahead of me plus I tried to hang out with him plus his friends whenever they’d allow it. And because of my age, they pushed me away most of the time. Both of us lived in a number of bizarre citys in the San Fernando Valley plus I struggled to maintain a consistent acquaintance group. The kids in these southern CAn schools were strenuous plus formed strong cliques. That’s why I always followed my older brother around if he’d allow it. In retrospect, I should be thankful for his influence on me at the time. Sure, you might say it wasn’t right for him to let me try marijuana at 16, however I had been pestering him for years plus he always told me “no way” with no further explanation. When I told him that I had studied meditation from books I got from our aunt, I tried to get him to see it from my perspective. For all I knew, cannabis would be a fantastic meditation aid. Once I was respectfully a “smoke buddy” of my brother plus his close friends, I soon l earned the art of rolling joints. Now that I’m nestled into the Tarzana section along the Santa Monica Mountains, I’m still rolling joints the way my brother taught me all those years ago. Recently my bestie plus I stopped at a dispensary in Tarzana to get the best cannabis flower products that every one of us could find in the area. Then every one of us rolled a bunch of joints plus packed a lunch so every one of us could hike throughout Topanga State Park for the day. Both of us had loads of fun plus grew closer after the trip.


Recreational Cannabis Tarzana California