My wifey plus I ran out of marijuana last time the people I was with and I were in San Francisco. All of us visit San Francisco frequently. There are a lot of places that are fun to go, however some of them are indoors plus some of them are outdoors. When the people I was with and I go to the city, the people I was with and I usually stay for a couple of days. All of us have stayed in a tent at the state park near San Francisco plus the people I was with and I have stayed in a hotel overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. Both settings offer a lot of weird plus fun activities. My favorite activities include going to the beach, the bridge, plus Golden gate park. There are about fifty or so weird cool attractions near Golden Gate park in San Francisco. The price of marijuana can be certainly high in the city, so the people I was with and I consistently try to bring enough supplies to last the entire time that the people I was with and I are in the city, and last time the people I was with and I ran out of marijuana plus the people I was with and I needed to find a cheap dispensary in San Francisco. My wifey plus I searched online for a cheap dispensary in San Francisco. All of us found one place that had a 20% off sale for all first-time patients. After the sale, the prices were still lower than several of the other dispensaries that the several of us viewed. The place did not give to our hotel, so the people I was with and I had to drive quite a distance. Still, it was worth going a couple of miles farther to save currency plus get a nice deal on marijuana in San Francisco, California. All of us saved at least fifty dollars making the drive.