I love smoking a joint in the park

Denver has a lot of really nice outdoor parks and recreation areas. One of my favorite places to go is Washington Park. Washington Park is a couple of miles away from my apartment. The park has a lot of facilities like tennis courts, baseball fields, and a small lake for fishing. There are lots of grassy areas to run around and play. The park is a really nice place to sit and smoke a recreational marijuana joint. Recreational marijuana is legal in the city of Denver and all throughout the state of Colorado. Unfortunately, there are still some rules and regulations regarding the plant. In my apartment lease, I had to sign a form that states I will not use marijuana inside of my apartment. If I do, I am subject to a lot of fines and possible eviction. I haven’t broken the rules at all, because I am really scared of getting caught. When I choose to smoke recreational Cannabis, I usually go to the park. There are lots of places to sit and be alone. As long as I don’t bother anybody, no one usually complains. I went to the park last Tuesday to smoke a joint after a very long and busy day at work. I was sitting under a tree about a hundred feet away from the lake when a woman and her dog approached me. I was trying to mind my own business, but the woman tried to engage me in conversation. She complained about the smell of marijuana and tried to tell me that her and her dog are allergic to cannabis.


Cannabis Denver CO