My friends and family and I have lived in Seattle for our entire lives… I was born and raised in a small suburb outside of Seattle, but our parents took me to the city every weekend; The two of us went to lots of strange locales around the city! One of our absolute favorite locales in the city is the Seattle Space Needle.
The Seattle Space needle is one of the most well-known landmarks in the Seattle skyline.
The Space Needle is a 600 ft tall observation tower. It is one of the tallest buildings on the West Coast. The Space Needle has an observation deck and on a clear day you can see all over the city and Puget Sound, then my friends and I still love to go to the Space Needle, last weekend there was an outdoor music festival and it was a couple of blocks away from the Space Needle. My friends and I spent all day in Seattle. The two of us even visited a recreational marijuana dispensary where both of us got a good deal on pre-rolls, all up-to-date patients were allowed to purchase pre-rolls at the price of buy one and get one for free. My friends and I stocked up on recreational cannabis pre-rolls for our day and Seattle. The two of us had a lot of fun during the music festival and both of us still stayed safe by wearing masks and using hand sanitizer frequently. The two of us suppose it was a little dangerous to attend the event with lots of people, but both of us legitimately did our best to keep our distance from others when both of us were resting by the stage.