My wifey Patty and me went to Tampa Bay last year for the first time ever.
The two of us started traveling in our RV 4 years ago and this was our 1st visit to Florida.
The two of us decided to go to Tampa, because Patty has extended family that lives close by. The two of us were convinced that summer time was the best time to go to Florida, since both of us wanted to see the beaches and go to the gulf. It would have been nice if one of our friends would have taken the time to explain how incredibly muggy and humid it can get in the Tampa area. The average summer temps were 93 degrees while in the week that both of us visited. Patty and I stayed in an RV park while in Tampa. It was on one side of a genuinely long and tall draw bridge. The bridge is one of the tallest bridges in the whole country. Driving the big RV across the bridge was genuinely nerve-wracking and I wanted to throw up our supper. After Patty and me made it to the RV park, both of us found out that they only have 30 amp service. Our pressing RV with all the various slides and an upstairs home office uses 50 amp service. The two of us were unable to use both of the cooling systems and it was impossible to keep the house cool. Both of us learned a genuinely pressing lesson about going to see Tampa while in The humid summer season. If both of us ever return to that city, both of us really will wait until the weather is so much more mild and cool. I sincerely don’t think how people can live in that environment and be happy.