Most of the Denver marijuana shops offer free delivery services to the town as well as the surrounding areas, then my apartment is about 15 minutes outside of the city; You have to take the interstate to the last Denver exit as well as then travel up the mountain 7 or 8 miles, i’m used to traveling on the back roads where there are potholes as well as slow curves.
I’ve lived in Denver almost our whole life.
I went to high university as well as school in Denver as well as our girlfriend as well as I decided to stay in the city. I had a difficult time finding a task after school as well as I worked as a marijuana shop delivery driver for a year, and during that time, I earned easily superb money. Most people tip the marijuana shop delivery driver easily well, but the average tip for me turned out to be around $10. I remember 1 time in recognizable when I got a superb tip. The marijuana delivery was way up in the hills as well as a 30-minute drive from the Denver marijuana dispensary location. I was on a twisty road as well as I could only travel about 25 miles an hour. It was starting to get dark by the time I delivered the marijuana products to the address. The customer tipped me $25 on that order. I was really ecstatic when I left the address as well as I did not let it bother me that I had to drive back down the hill as well as into denver. The drive back to the town was much nicer than the drive up to the address as well as I was feeling pretty pleased with an extra $25 in our pocket after going to see the customer.